My Story
Bill Dixon lives in Raleigh with his wife Merlayne. Bill received an associate’s degree in architectural drafting from WW Holding before he joined the U.S. Army, serving in Vietnam.
He participates in a variety of veteran service organizations:
Past President, North Carolina Vietnam Veterans, Inc., served for 10 years
Past President, Wake County Veterans Council
Premier Race Sponsor with large size company on Race T-shirt America, Board of Directors NC State Council, and Vice President Durham Chapter 530
Delegate, North Carolina State Veterans Council
Delegate, Governor's Working Group
Host and producer, Lessons of Vietnam, an online streaming show
Veteran of Foreign Wars Wake Forest Post 8466
Veteran client, Vets to Vets United, earning service dog and therapy dog certification with Tank
Winner, Raleigh/Wake County Parade of Homes
3-time Vietnam Veteran of the Year, North Carolina Vietnam Veterans, Inc.
2-time Veteran of the Year, Wake County Veterans Council
Glen Lang Award, Vietnam Veterans of America for Education
Special Appreciation from United States Army Veterans Support Command
Outstanding Command Ribbon, Vietnamese American Association
Bill is thankful for what Vets to Vets United has done and is still doing for him, and wants to see the organization grow and serve more veterans.